Open Letter To Washington
10/17/2013 10:06:00 PM | Author: telecomladyj
Republican and Democrat Legislative and Executive Branch, through your constant bickering; your systematic and intentional erosion of the rights of the American people; your not just useless, but harmful and counterproductive blame-gaming; and your utter inability (or unwillingness) to control spending-- you have proven the absolutely *horrid* (I SAY HORRID!!) public approval rating directed at you to be entirely justified.
1) You CANNOT spend money you do not have.
2) Acquiring said money via schoolyard bully tactics is reprehensible.
3) The rights of a free people are inherent, NOT bestowed.
4) What you have no ability to bestow, you have no right to take away.
5) Hurting the American people just to make a point to your "enemies" in Congress is NOT acceptable.
6) You pay lip service to the concept that soldiers are overseas defending our rights, while you each with your other face daily suggest/enact legislation which breaches the social contract and shreds the Constitution!

You, sirs and ladies, are in BREACH! It is time for America to exercise her escape clause with you and stop throwing good money after bad (literally and metaphorically speaking).

Here is your fair warning: I have a vote and I USE IT! There are many like me, so you had better straighten up and get your act together or you may lose that cushy position you are abusing every chance you get.

Most sincerely,
A TX voter