9/24/2008 12:32:00 PM | Author: telecomladyj
I am the type of person who is meticulous and detailed, often to a fault.
You know the type- a jerk who interrupts your anecdote which everyone is enjoying just to correct you on some tiny fact of the case that really doesn't matter?
The one who 'Snopes' everything they get in email that professes to be a true story-- no matter how touching, or how important the lesson?

Well that's me.
It's not something I'm proud of. Today more than ever I see how wrong and potentially destructive this tendency can be.

I have finally realized that a "true story" which may be partially inaccurate, or even entirely made up, can have a very real and very positive impact on the listeners. When someone takes pains to make sure everyone knows it's untrue or that some of it has been changed, it takes focus off the important part-- the lesson! Even worse, it can embitter someone who was touched by the story and irritated by the debunker. This is what is known in Christianity as a stumbling-block. When we cast something in front of another believer which halts or lessens their faith; when we, through our words or actions, cause negative feelings in another- this is to place our own soul in peril.

Jesus told these kind of stories in his day too. They are called parables. He understood that a truth which people would not hear point blank could sneak up on them and sink in by way of a common story they could relate to. If their heart was open to the truth, they didn't need understanding of spiritual matters. This is why it's dangerous to open my mouth about these parables I get in email all the time. If the only way to deliver a life-saving pill to someone is in a piece of cheese and I run over and shred up the cheese, I am now responsible for the lives of those who did not receive it.

Casting Crowns - Who Am I

If you're seeking or hurting, and want someone to talk to, pray with, ask questions.. please contact me. Or talk to someone- seek out the truth, don't just let "good enough" be your daily existence. There is more.
First Post
9/22/2008 09:29:00 AM | Author: telecomladyj
Being brand new to Blogger, I thought I would begin this blog by telling some random, much-known and little-known facts about me. In the time honoured tradition of one of my FAVORITE mags- MAD magazine- I will insert several "facts" that are total fiction so as to make myself seem witty and worth your time and attention. Not that I'm an attention-whore... except when I am.
Let us begin now (don't forget to turn the page when you hear the chime)

1. My online username tells what I do for a living, and a tiny bit of my childhood fantasy.
2. I have several siblings, but no sisters.
3. Steak is one of my favorite meals, although I rarely eat it.
4. Despite being a woman, I am not a chocolate-fiend. (Sacrilege, I know- I shall be shunned!)
5. I'm often perceived to be an entirely different person than the last time you talked to me.
6. I adore the taste of cold fish heads dipped in powdered sugar. Yum!
7. My sarcasm is fun for most people who know me well, although it can be off-putting atimes.
8. I hate being serious, and often prefer to be silly or goofy instead.
9. As a small child, I bit my tongue off and it had to be sewed back on.
10. I still love the old Disney movies and music, and I'm not at all ashamed of this.
11. Conspiracy theories are a passion of mine, to research and find them to be true or false.
12. Being a tad OCD often causes me to spend way too much time on things seeking perfection.
13. Brighton jewelry is my favorite, but I love almost all silver jewelry in general.
14. If I decide on something I like it will invariably end up being the most expensive. Ugh! =p
15. OCD caused me to truncate several of the previous sentences to keep them on one line.
16. Although there are many things about me I want to improve, I'm happy for the most part.
17. I am a spiritual- but not religious- person and believe there is a definite difference in the two.
18. My jr year in HS I was called "jock strap" because some prankster filled my locker with them.
19. I am a dog person, although I believe in the fair treatment of all animals.
20. My goldfish Fang once played dead so well I almost threw him away before I discovered it.
21. I am a blog addict, and a major reader- but if it's not funny it might not keep my interest.
22. Barbie was never my favorite toy and I gave all mine away at a rather young age.
23. I spent the morning looking up the 80's toy Fashion Plates because I want to get another set.

There are 3 "fictional facts" in this list that just popped in my head like Mr Staypuft so if you like games and puzzles, feel free to take guesses. In the spirit of fairplay, I might even answer